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Attention is currency

We *pay* attention because it is currency

Loving one’s enemies

Loving one’s enemies does not mean tolerating their actions

Reality is negotiable

Take advantage

Humanity and me

I’m not sure about the fate of humanity, but I am confident in myself

Put your pride on the shelf

“Put your pride on the shelf” is a line in Y. M. C. A.

Be mindful of false flags

Question every narrative

End times

If these are the end times, I say strap in and enjoy the ride


I work no matter what, because that’s what we, men, are supposed to do. In fact, we need to work even more—for the wellbeing of future generations


Some tolerance is needed in society

Thankful to wake up each day

Ever since the 2022 Ukrainian escalation, the first thing that I feel every morning is gratitude for being alive and not having been wiped out by a nuke

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